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Commissioning LEED Green Buildings

Commissioning LEED Green Buildings Training Course

Basically, LEED-certified green buildings feature more intricate building systems and strict criteria for certain control systems. The LEED Green Building Rating System will be introduced, followed by a discussion of how the commissioning process for a LEED building may differ from that of a conventional new construction project. This course explores the integration of some of the more technical LEED credits into the commissioning process.

Building commissioning is becoming more and more popular among owners as a reliable way to guarantee quality and maximise energy efficiency. With the rising demand for LEED-certified buildings, the need for commissioning new construction projects has grown significantly over a short period of time. Building commissioning hasn’t drawn much attention from the construction management research community, despite the fact that it can add up to 2% of the overall cost of new “green” building projects.

Learn more Commissioning Specialist Services 

The advantages of commissioning are well known, however according to the research detailed in this course, owners of built-in facilities do not fully comprehend the commissioning process. Because of their negative experiences and the confusion around the commissioning process, several owners are now more hesitant to use commissioning services for their future projects.

Several owners have had bad experiences with commissioning because they didn’t understand how it worked. This has made them less likely to use commissioning services on their next projects.Examining and elucidating issues surrounding the commissioning of green buildings was the goal of the training Course.These concerns include the commissioning requirements for LEED and the certification criteria for commissioning agents.
The ultimate goal of the Course  is to help building owners better understand how to get the most out of the benefits of green buildings.

Commissioning LEED Green Buildings is a training programme that was conceptualised and developed by Krishnaji Pawar, CEO and Founder of Beyond Smart Cities.

Our company specialises in the development of environmentally friendly design strategies for green building certification systems (LEED, GSAS, ACP, ISO14001:2015, etc.), energy management, energy efficiency, energy auditing, building commissioning, environmental impact assessments, and environmental management systems.

This is an introductory course in commissioning (Cx), and it covers the fundamental concepts of green building science as well as the technique for commissioning new buildings.It is not necessary for you to have any prior experience or understanding of the commissioning process. It would be helpful to have experience working with HVAC systems, a background in the building construction industry, or a degree in engineering.

Learning Objectives

• Understanding commissioning terms and abbreviations.
• Understanding the commissioning process at the top level.
• Recommendation for further investigation of the commissioning process.
• Understanding how LEED certifications relate to the commissioning process.
• Exploration of the LEED Green Building Rating System.
• Discussion on differences between regular building projects and LEED Green Building commissioning.

The study’s results also showed that when compared to the basic commissioning prerequisite for LEED, the enhanced commissioning contributes much more value to the building project than the fundamental commissioning does. It is only possible to achieve significant energy savings through the utilisation of an improved commissioning process that employs an integrated design approach that involves the commissioning agent at an early stage of the schematic design phase. The additional expense of enhanced commissioning is negligible in comparison to the additional advantages it provides.

The training also came to the conclusion that the majority of owners do not require certification of the commissioning agent, and that a significant proportion of owners use price as the sole criterion when choosing a commissioning company. The commissioning community should educate building owners on the process of commissioning, the importance of certification, and the added value of enhanced commissioning in order to boost the benefits of commissioning green buildings.

Basics of Building Commissioning

Basics of Building Commissioning Training Course

The Basics of Building Commissioning covers the fundamental concepts of green building science and the process of commissioning for new and existing buildings. You will learn how building systems and assemblies work, how to detect problems, and how to analyse proper building performance.

At its core, building commissioning is made up of quality-focused projects that document that building systems work according to the criteria set out in the project documents to meet the operational needs of the building owners. Such projects have been proven to be important because buildings that operate suboptimally tend to have poor indoor air quality and comfort, consume higher levels of energy, and produce equipment failures. Conversely, buildings that are properly commissioned typically have fewer change orders, tend to be more energy efficient, and have lower operation and maintenance costs. Commissioning can also restore existing buildings to high productivity through renovations, upgrades, and tune-ups of existing systems.

step-by-step information on each aspect of a typical new construction commissioning process. We will discuss when and how each step of the process is achieved. The costs and benefits of typical commissioning processes are provided. In this module, participants will learn the fundamentals of building system and equipment operations and describe the various types of building systems and equipment and how these systems operate. The origins of Cx and the links between Cx and the LEED Green Building Rating System Major steps of a new construction CX process: how to begin, most important milestones, and timeline for CX

The Basics of Building Commissioning course was prepared by an experienced commissioning specialist, Krishnaji Pawar. specialises in developing sustainable design strategies for Green Building Certification Systems (LEED, GSAS, etc.), Energy and Water Conservation, Commissioning, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Environmental Management Systems.

This is a beginner-level course focused on commissioning (Cx), which covers the fundamental concepts of green building science and the process of commissioning for new buildings.

You do not need any prior experience or knowledge about commissioning. Being familiar with HVAC systems, the building construction industry, or any engineering degree will be helpful.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learners will be able to include commissioning into any green building project they are presently working on, whether it be LEED V4, GSAS, IGBC, or something else entirely.
  • Students will have prior knowledge of building commissioning, the process of building commissioning, and environmentally friendly structures.
  • The knowledge that learners need to fully comprehend the fundamentals of green building commissioning and implementation will be provided to them.
  • Commissioning is a topic that has to be discussed in relation to green buildings.
  • Pupils often achieved a passing grade on their very first try in any commissioning professional examination, including BCxP, CCP, ACP, CCA, and CBCP.
  • After successfully completing all of the course’s videos, quizzes, and exams, you will be awarded a completion certificate.

Other Related courses

Building Commissioning Professional – BCxP Exam Question Bank

While the 820-question BCxP Practice Exam featuring flash cards on essential terminology is indeed beneficial in and of itself, the Building Commissioning Professional – BCxP Exam Question Bank will aid building commissioning professionals in formulating a focused, personalized study strategy to successfully accomplish their professional development goals.

Key takeaways

  • You will have access to more than 820+ questions in 7 mock exams that go from easy to medium to hard to expert.
  • Our simulation exams are considered part of your studies as they cover the BCxP Exam Knowledge Domains.
  • You will become familiar with building commissioning and terminology.
  • You will likely pass the exam on your first attempt
  • You will become familiar with building commissioning and terminology.
  • BCxP Exam: Flash Cards (One set of key terminology flash cards. Over 108+ key terms!
  • BCxP_Engineering and HVAC design Equations

Fundamentals of the Commissioning Process

Fundamentals of the Commissioning Process

This course is designed to help commissioning professionals, including energy managers, HVAC engineers, facility and business managers, industrial engineers, and energy service company professionals, become more aware of and effective at identifying and implementing the best energy management strategies.

The commissioning process is the integrated application of a set of engineering techniques and procedures to check, inspect, and test every operational component of the project—from individual functions such as instruments and equipment, up to more complex entities such as subsystems and systems.

Learn more Commissioning Specialist Services 

The Basics of commissioning process covers the fundamental concepts of commissioning process  for new and existing buildings. You will learn how building systems and assemblies work, how to detect problems, and how to analyse proper building performance.

Step-by-step information on each aspect of a typical new construction commissioning process. We will discuss when and how each step of the process is achieved. Costs and benefits of typical commissioning processes are provided. In this module, participants will learn the fundamentals of building system and equipment operations and describe the various types of building systems and equipment and how these systems operate.

The Fundamentals of the Commissioning Process was prepared by an experienced commissioning specialist, Krishnaji Pawar. specialises in developing sustainable design strategies for Green Building Certification Systems (LEED, GSAS, etc.), Energy and Water Conservation, Commissioning, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Environmental Management Systems.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand commissioning terminologies and abbreviations
  • Understand the high-level commissioning process.
  • Investigate the commissioning process in greater depth.
  • Building commissioning, the commissioning process, and green buildings will be familiar to students.
  • Learners will get the information they need to understand the basics of green building commissioning and implementation.

Building commissioning is a team effort that requires the involvement of numerous stakeholders in the process of delivering a successful building project. Individual roles, most of which, ideally, are assigned at the predesign phase, and continue from inception through occupancy. Designated team members are responsible for specific activities and documents during the various phases.

Other Related courses

Certified Commissioning Authority – CxA Exam Question Bank

Even though the 600-question CxA Practice Exam is very helpful on its own, the Certified Commissioning Authority – CxA Exam Question Bank will help building commissioning professionals make a targeted, personalized study plan to help them reach their professional development goals.

Key Learning Objectives

  • You will have access to more than 600 questions in 5 practice tests that go from easy to medium to hard to specialist.
  • Understand commissioning terminology and abbreviations.
  • Understand the high-level commissioning procedure.
  • Expand your investigation into the commissioning procedure
  • Recognize tactics and make sound decisions.
  • Experience the tension of the genuine CxA test.
  • Learn how to respond to situational questions.
  • Consider the practice exam to be part of your studies and education.

Commissioning LEED Green Buildings

The LEED Green Building Rating System will be introduced, followed by a discussion of how LEED building commissioning may differ from conventional new construction.

Ongoing Commissioning – OCx Best Practices

An Ongoing Commissioning – OCx Best Practices training program tailored to meet facility operational requirements and Ongoing Commissioning (OCx) Identify additional Operations & Maintenance (O&M) personnel training. Understand the value of OCx as a strategy to sustain performance from new and existing Building CX approaches

Advanced Existing Building Commissioning – EBCx

The Advanced Existing Building Commissioning – EBCx training course covers all the stages of the existing building commissioning process, namely: planning, investigation, implementation, handover, and monitoring. These stages are presented in detail to allow trainees to develop a coherent understanding of the entire process and reap all the anticipated benefits.

Certified Commissioning Specialist (CCxS)

This CCxS-accredited certification is intended for commissioning providers who lead, plan, coordinate, and manage commissioning teams in new and existing buildings.

Why Pursue a CCxS Designation?

  • Professional Recognition – This is the proof – the CCxS designation sets you apart as someone with the commitment, dedication, and knowledge to succeed in building commissioning .
  • Verification of your expertise by an independent organisation.
  • Professional growth and development.
  • Enhanced professional credibility.
  • Great job opportunities.